‘‘In your light I learn how to love. In your beauty, how to make poems. You dance inside my chest where no one sees you, but sometimes I do, and that sight becomes this art.‘ – Mevlana Rumi
The Shy Poet
As I deepened my connection with myself, the Soul, I was surprised to find I a shy poet inside. This shy poet had deep words of love, pain, romance, faith and soul to share with the world. And so I started writing poetry, to sweeten the soul, as I like to say it, which I feel is the grandest purpose of poetry.
The Sufi Influence
My soul has been deeply influenced by the depth and simplicity of the words of the great Sufi mystic poets, Mevlana Rumi (popularly knows as Rumi), Shams-e-Tabrizi and Hafez. Hence, Mysticism became a natural theme in my poetry. To write about life as a confluence of the Soul, God and Love. To live one’s life as a devotion to Love and a devotion to Him, the Great One, by seeking the truth within, is a theme I like to live and write by.

The Poetry Collections
You can read some of my Poetry Collections here:
The Mystic Soul (Mysticism)
Ego And Soul Talk (Mysticism)
Love Across Oceans (Romance)
Pain With A Soul (Pain)
Love and Power, Richa