Hello, I am Richa Rana, creator of The Dignified Soul. A Soul, Thinker, Writer & Poet. And an Eternal Lover of God, Kindness and Courage. And here is a little bit about me and my journey.
The Logical Minded Engineer
An engineer by education, I worked in the banking-corporate world for a decade. This was a time when my logical mind took precedence over things and my soul quietly watched me go about my worldly life. It often cried in anguish, yet I ignored it. Till the cry grew so loud that I couldn’t ignore it any longer. An internal shift started happening. I realised that things had to change before they could get better, that I had to change.
The Most Important Journey I Undertook, The Journey Within
I quit my job and started a long, mindful and slow journey within. A journey to connect to my long lost friend, my own soul. I didn’t know where the road would take me, yet I knew that I had to take this journey. I was also deeply influenced on this journey by the spiritual teachings of the Brahmakumaris, especially the spiritual talks by Sister Shivani on awakening the soul.
Soul of a Writer
In the midst of this silence, solitude and depth, the gifts I was meant to share with the world, started emerging from within. One of them being writing. I realised that I had the soul of a writer and that I had a passion for writing. For writing words that empower the soul, that convince one of one’s own beauty and power. Words that seek the deeper meaning of life and our purpose here. That I had passion for observing life. And for finding wisdom and insights in those observations, that one may later draw strength from.
And thus on the relentless nudging by my soul, The Dignified Soul was born.
The Dignified Soul: The Path of Living with Dignified Soul Values
‘The Dignified Soul’, is a sacred space for me, where I share the depths of my soul. It is about following a path. A path of living and embodying the pure, dignified and elevated values of our soul. Values that each of us, as a soul is born and gifted with. It is about leading a soulful life, a simple, slow, mindful and joyful life where we enjoy the gifts of the world, yet know that we are much more than worldly pleasures. And ultimately it is about living a life of purpose. And there is no greater and no simpler purpose for the soul, than to love. To keep opening our hearts to love, a little more each day.
Here at ‘The Dignified Soul’, I share short notes and long posts about life, about the lessons l learnt and continue to learn as I progress on my journey.
May this space offer us some solace and a whole lot of power and love in the journey of our lives, that is my desire. That we treasure each day of our precious lives and learn to live deeper, simpler and more meaningful lives amidst the chaos of the world. That we learn to love and believe in ourselves, no matter what. And that we seek the ultimate power and wisdom from the true sources of power and wisdom – from the Divine and from our own Souls, our inner guidance, our true essence.
The Shy Mystic Poet
As I deepened my connection with myself, I was also surprised to find I a shy poet inside. This shy poet had deep words of love, pain, romance, faith and soul to share with the world. And so, deeply affected by the simplicity and depth of Sufi poets, I started writing poetry. Mysticism became a natural theme in my poetry. To write about life as a confluence of the Soul, God and Love. To live one’s life as a devotion to Love and a devotion to Him, the Great One, by seeking the truth within, is a theme I like to live and write by.
You will find Poetry here, to ‘sweeten the soul’ as I like to say it, which I feel, is indeed the grandest purpose of poetry.
The Dreamer
I currently live, love and write in New Delhi, India. And dream away from the depths of my soul.
Love and Power, Richa